Thursday, 30 May 2013

3 Good Things - Thurs 30th May

1. The boss in a good mood!
2. Being indoors when the heavens opened
3. Getting a lift

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

3 Good Things - Weds 29th May

1. Companies that are good at what they do - Collect+
2. Unexpected pressies (especially when they are unicorn shaped!) Thank you Sx
3. Sun on the sea

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

3 Good Things - Tues 28th May

1. Watching the lambs playing in the field
2. Shortbread (dunked in tea!)
3. Pictures of other peoples littles

3 Good Things - Mon 27th May

1. Lunch at Wetherspoons
2. Pudding at Giraffe
3. Coffee at Starbucks

Sunday, 26 May 2013

3 Good Things - Sun 26th May

1. Bacon and egg sarnies
2. Pear cider
3. Lunch out to look forward to

3 Good Things - Sat 25th May

1. Going out in short sleeves
2. Line dried clothes
3. Smoke haddock for tea

3 Good Things - Fri 24th May

1. A scarecrow wearing a cummerbund
2. Starting to rain just after I got on the bus and stopping just before I got off (both ways!)
3. Central heating!

3 Good Things - Thurs 23rd May

1. Little boy smiles when you wave back at them from the bus
2. Strolls along the seafront
3. Prospect of a long weekend

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

3 Good Things - Weds 22nd May

1. Police dogs out for a run
2. Entertaining Big Issue sellers
3. This video

but if you watch it make sure you have the tissues handy!!!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

3 Good Things - Tues 21st May

1. Beating the curry into submission
2. Banana with said curry
3. Revisiting Midkemia

Monday, 20 May 2013

3 Good Things - Mon 20th May

1. Realising there is another bank holiday next week!
2. Birds of prey
3. Verges full of daisies and dandelions and primroses and snow drops

Sunday, 19 May 2013

3 Good Things - Sun 19th May

1. Shop assistants that think outside the box
2. Dr Who
3. Feeling better

Saturday, 18 May 2013

3 Good Things - Sat 18th May

1. Having washing on the line (I haven't had a line in about 8 years!)
2. Having the window open pretty much all day
3. The combined knowledge of Facebook friends!

3 Good Things - Fri 17th May

1. ITV player
2. iPlayer
3. 4 oD

3 Good Things - Thurs 16th May

1. Lovely landlady
2. Mistakes
3. Hot shower

3 Good Things - Weds 15th May

1. Birdsong
2. The sirens not having anything to do with you!
3. A snuggly duvet

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

3 Good Things - Tues 14th May

1. Hearing someone say 'My dear chap' in conversation
2. Sunshine after the rain (if only briefly)
3. Slow cooked dinner

3 Good Things - Mon 13th May

1. Getting
2. into
3. bed

Sunday, 12 May 2013

3 Good Things - Sun 12th May

1. Long lie in
2. Nanna nap 
3. Dr Who

(Yes a long lie in and a nanna nap on the same day!!)

Saturday, 11 May 2013

3 Good Things - Sat 11th May

1. Nice friendly cab drivers
2. Talking to strangers
3. Meeting one of my all time favourite authors ever!

3 Good Things - Fri 10th May

1. The first signs of blossom on the trees at the fruit farm I go past every day
2. Anticipation
3. Giggles

Thursday, 9 May 2013

3 Good Things - Thurs 9th May

1. Getting into the office just before the heavens opened
2. Solar man!!
3. Having something mega nice and totally unexpected done for me

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

3 Good Things - Weds 8th May

1. Having a bathroom window
2. Lazy seagulls
3. The smell of the sea

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

3 Good Things - Tues 7th May

1. Not having to put the heater on at work!
2. Making progress
3. Watching Westpoint transform in preparation for the Devon County Show

3 Good Things - Mon 6th May

1. Bank holiday
2. Being back in Devon for four months (technically that was yesterday but I hadn't noticed!)
3. Bargains in the Co-op

Sunday, 5 May 2013

3 Good Things - Sun 5th May

1. Having the window open for most of the day
2. Going out without a coat
3. News of an old friend

Saturday, 4 May 2013

3 Good Things - Sat 4th May

1. The little girl on the bus proudly announcing 'I'm sitting in the old lady seat!'
2. Finding exactly what you were after at a sensible price and then finding it's 50% off when you pay
3. Sitting in the garden drinking tea with the landlord and landlady

Friday, 3 May 2013

3 Good Things - Fri 3rd May

1. The lad on the bus that spent ages doing his hair, then put the hood of his hoody up!
2. Randomly finding a cat in the flat!
3. Kind words

Thursday, 2 May 2013

3 Good Things - Thurs 2nd May

1. Sitting on the beach...
2. the sun...
3. ...whilst eating a Belgian Bun

3 Good Things - Mon 1st May

1. Wind in my hair
2. Sun on my face
3. Spotting a dear in the field