Sunday, 30 December 2018

Everything you asked for?

Yesterday I was asked if I got 'Everything you asked for for Christmas?'...and it led me to realise I hadn't asked for anything. With Mum's dementia and the distance she sent me some money. My siblings and I don't do 'real' asked for presents, just small tokens that we think the other will like. The same with friends that buy for me, it's not an 'asked for' kinda gift, more a 'saw this and thought of you'.
And it got me asked for gift will be 'right' and the giver will know the receiver will like it but isn't there something more personal in the gift that isn't asked for. That has been thought about, and the question asked - 'Will C like this?' - 'Would she get it for herself?' - 'Is this something C would use?'
I guess it feels more personal. 
The Unicorn spot the difference book and a book about being messy in a tidy minded world from my best Uni friend and her family - an escape from the everyday and a bit of silly. 
Unicorn themed shower gel, foam burst and a body puff, with a chocolate unicorn from my oldest friend - sounds like a nice relaxing bath and some me time. 
The home made Christmas pudding, marmalade and chutney, along with a box of posh chocolates and a book by a new to me author from my Landlords (whose library I regularly raid) - sounds like an afternoon on the sofa lost in another world.
The selection of beauty/chill out goodies (face mask, hand cream, tea light) a posh tea and some coffee syrups from a colleague who is now a friend - sounds like a nice evening in pampering myself.
A homemade Christmas tree shaped storage box full of chocolates from my great nieces - homemade and chocolate win win.
So no, I didn't get what I asked for, I got what I didn't know I wanted...