A few thoughts on 2014
- only three employers this year but I did work for all of them at once for a month!
- FINALLY sold the flat in Kent
- got all my stuff in one place for the first time in 18 months
- got a hi-sleeper (and still keep banging my head on it!)
- made new friends
- became a Great Auntie
- was in the same place as Mum and siblings twice in one month!
- still not missing TV
- began volunteering at a graveyard
- walked most of the Exeter Green Circle
And some for 2015
- eat better
- do that thing I don't want to do but know I have to
- be present
- finish some of the projects that I've been meaning to do
- carry on with the de-cluttering
- pay off the last bit of debt (not including the student loan, they can sing for it!!)
- do something new
- make the most of connections
- spend more time outside
Wherever you are and whoever you are I wish you enough in 2015
- adventuring - off to the Big Smoke tomorrow, lunch with old colleagues followed by being a tourist for a couple of hours
- eating - Roly's seasalt flavoured fudge, leftovers, Chinese, popcorn
- drinking - Orange juice, home made vanilla Bailey's hot chocolate, coke, tea, Earl Gray (the tea bags got mixed up at work!)
- reading - Amy Tan - The Bonesetter's Daughter
- watching - Babylon 5, Cold Feet, Remember Me
- listening to - Soma FM's Christmas Lounge
- thinking about - old age, new opportunities
- disliking - the stupid time I will have to get up in the morning for my trip to London!
- appreciating - days off, simple brown paper and wool wrapping, that the fault with the boiler was easy to fix
- loving - too many goodies at Leela (including Reggie the reindeer who keeps getting up to all sorts of mischief! The pic above is him being an elephant!)