Tuesday, 1 January 2019

2019 Word of Intent

I've noticed over the last few years that many people ditch the New Years Resolutions and come up with a word to shape their year instead. I've done it a couple of times. I hadn't even thought about it for 2019 until someone I follow posted theirs. Then I read Michelle Obama's book 'Becoming' and thought that would be a good one - but it didn't really fit. I didn't give it much thought to be honest, but as I was lying in bed last night after watching the London fireworks and waiting for the local ones to quieten down a few words floated through my head.
Now that one really struck a chord. TIME. 2018 was a hectic year. Three jobs over the summer. Extra hours at the shop covering for staff shortages. It just felt generally full on. And I know part of that is my own fault for offering to fill in when someone went sick, for saying yes when asked to do extra and that's OK. We're a team, we help each other out but I need to get better at balancing my time. Boss number two takes the mickey that if she gives me more than one day off I get sick - and it's generally true. If I stop, it all catches up. So I need to take time for me, not a lot, but a bit more often!
Time to do what I want to do, and if that is sit in bed all day and read my book, then not feel guilty about the hoovering or ironing I should be doing. Going for a walk by the water and not worrying about all the 'I should be doings'.
Maybe I'll find myself a hobby. Learn something new. Write on here a bit more often!
Maybe time will find me traveling, spending time with friends and family, getting outside more - whatever it ends up looking like I'm looking forward to carving out some of it for me!

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