Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Lockdown Love Notes - Day 1 - 24/3/20

I've decided to do an online gratitude journal to keep the positives alive in this weird time that we're all living through!!

I will (try) and do a post every day with three things that I'm grateful for that day. Let's be honest, there will probably be days where I struggle to find any and days when I forget but I'm going to give it a go. Hopefully doing it on here will keep accountable (but I'm not going to feel guilty if I miss some!)

If you fancy joining in feel free to post in the comments!!

Day 1

  • Chocolate bars from a special friend and her family
  • Hot water and cleaning products to blitz my kitchen
  • Trying a new recipe (Frittata) and knowing it'll something I make again
Come back for Day 2!!


  1. Lovely walk this evening near where we live.

  2. Lovely walk this evening near where we live.
