Saturday, 20 November 2010

eBay - now it gets complicated...

Well the eBay sales are going well. The first lots of stuff to finish this weekend finished last night and I trekked off to the post office with 8 parcels this morning.  3 more people have paid this afternoon so that's another 3 parcels wrapped up and ready to go with three more awaiting payment. Unfortunately the other 60 things finish tonight and tomorrow night so there is the potential to have a HUGE pile of parcels to post on Monday!!!

As I work in London anything I want to post during the week has to be lugged up on the train and taken to the post office round the corner from where I work...I think I may have to smile sweetly at my Mum this week or hope that people pay in dribs and drabs so I only have a few parcels to take each day!!!

I'll be glad to get my lunge floor and hallway back though so that I can start filling it with the next load of stuff ready for the charity shop or eBay. As I only have a one bed flat there is no 'spare' room to clear out into so I'm having to do it in small bits but I'm getting there and loving the results.

Right, back to it!!!

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