Thursday, 11 November 2010

Long Weekend

Well, I've done a little bit this week but as I don't get home 'til 6 by the time I've had something to eat, watched a bit of TV (yeah I know I could skip that!), sorted out stuff for the next day and had a shower there isn't much time left. Another reason for not having done too much is that I don't have a spare room to clear stuff into so I'm having to do small bits at a time and store things in the hallway which isn't very big!  Mum helped loads earlier in the week by taking two lots of stuff up to one of the charity shops - thanks Mum.

I have taken Friday and Monday off for 'The Big Clear Out' at least that is the plan. This will mean I will have 3 days when I can get stuff out of the flat and will hopefully give me the momentum to really go for it. However what may happen is a long lie in, a late breakfast and lots of procrastinating - watch this space to see how it goes!

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